A Prayer
A Greyhound's Prayer

graphic:  silhoutte of greyhound trotting

The greatest thing I've ever known,
Someone came and took me home.
I'm away from the track; hope I never go back!
Like a nightmare in my memory, my future looked black.

Then I was adopted and my life was spared.
I thank God everyday that someone cared.
This must be heaven, I'm a winner this time,
Got a ball, a bone, and a bed that's all mine.

I'm crazy about my family;
Devoted you might say.
Like a shadow beside them,
You bet I want to stay.

I'm special too, they call me "sweetheart",
They hug me and kiss me and tell me I'm smart.
Even dreams are more peaceful; no stress,
no strife,
Now I run for fun and not for my life.

Author Unknown

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